Welcome to the most relaxing, de-stressing, well-being technique you may have never heard of... Access Bars®
What would your life be like if you could have more ease with EVERYTHING?
What if there was a way to reduce the noise in your head without having to sit in a cave and meditate for hours?
What is Access Bars?
Access Bars is a gentle hands on body process, that involves light touch of 32 points of energy on the head. These energy points relate to different areas of your life like - money- control- awareness- joy- sadness- gratitude (to name some); and having your Bars run works on clearing and dissipating all the considerations, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and emotions that you’ve ever had, the subconscious beliefs, and childhood behavioural patterns, that are creating the limitations and dis-ease in your life. It's like hitting ctrl, alt, dlt on your computer of all the old files you no longer need so that they stop popping up.What this can create for you is more space, more receiving, more ease, more relaxation, and more of everything.Have you ever had a time in your life when your head was just clear? No thoughts? Just pure space? Well that my friends is what Access Bars is incredible for. Clearing out the shit so you can have the space to be, the space to be YOU! The space to relax and have that peace of mind.Access Bars can be done on all ages, and taught to all ages too! How does it get any better?A lot of us here know there is a different possibility here on the planet, something that is far greater than the current reality everyone is choosing. Access Bars opens up the space to explore those possibilities.
How can Access Bars help you?
Greater mental clarity
Significant increase in joy and happiness
Deeper relaxation
Anxiety and depression
Health and weight management
Stress and overwhelm
Panic attacks
As it is a body process, it helps release trauma and stress from the body. Our bodies love to be touched, and in order for our bodies to learn to receive, they need to be touched. Ever seen or experienced someone who tenses up when hugged? Their receiving capacities are being diminished with their inability to relax and lower their walls and barriers.
My Story with Access Bars®
Let’s rewind 5 years…Working in hospitality for almost 10 years, 3 years into my spiritual journey (after having a life changing event that woke me up), I was finding myself stuck, lost & beginning to become quiet miserable.I had an inner calling to something deeper, more profound than the life I was currently leading. It was alive inside of me but I felt trapped in a job I didn’t want to be in. The bosses of the cafe I was working at had sold the business, to some people very money orientated, therefore the cafe vibe had changed dramatically!It wasn’t the same, it was continuously getting worse, & I felt trapped, as if it was the titanic sinking, & I didn’t want to sink with it!This lead to an 8 month dark hole that I found myself in, miserable, stuck, & lost.I felt like my wings were clipped whilst there was a fire in me urging to come up and be shown in the world!Each day, I dreaded going to work! My body didn’t want to be there, I didn’t want to be there, I felt defeated & in pain. I kept saying to myself “surely there HAS to be more to life than this!” Because I KNEW, I knew deep down there had to be! This couldn’t be all there was.Enter in Access Bars.My friend @inbodyism said for me to come receive a season of Access Bars. I had no idea what it was. And so I resisted it! I said no, multiple times! (The things you resist are the things that will set you free)Eventually after feeling more miserable, more lost, & more trapped in a reality I didn’t want to be living, I finally surrendered & said yes! What did I have to lose? If nothing happens I’ll just go back to being miserable where I am, but I had been asking for something to show up, because I KNEW something else was possible.1 hour later, I got up off the table & left. Changed.That dark cloud…GONE. 8 months stuck in my head, having the worst time, GONE…What was this???I quit my job & got a job that at the time was very expansive for me.Access Bars changed my life!1 year later I learnt this incredible modality to gift to the world.To this day Access Bars continues to change my life.
Access Bars® and Kids
One of the beautiful things about Access Bars is that it's not limited to just helping adults. Imagine being able to have access to a modality that helps clear out all the mind chatter as a kid!
Kids are bombarded with information from such a young age. The first part of their lives they are picking up all of their (your) points of views about life, however detrimental and limiting that they are, and buying them as their own to take on into adulthood. What if we could start to clear all of them out so that they can start to create their OWN points of view about life?
How about at school? All the judgment in the playground, all the name calling, all the thoughts, feelings and emotions they're picking up from all of the other kids. What contribution could Access Bars be to their mental health during school?
Not only that, during exam time, Access Bars helps kids get better grades by clearing out all heir considerations on about what they don't know, so they can become aware of what they do know.
I offer half price for kids under 16 years of age. And sessions don't run for as long, as they aren't as full of 💩 yet like we are 🤣
So, if your kid is only 7 years old for example, a session will only need to run for around 20-30 minutes. How does it get any better?
AcessBars® Scientific Research
Scientific research by Dr. Terrie Hope PhD, DNM, CFMW published in the Journal of Energy Psychology: Theory, Research, and Treatment in November 2017 has revealed the results of one 90-minute Access Bars session indicated a significant decrease in the severity of depression and anxiety.
From the results of four scientifically valid standardized questionnaires and through measuring brainwave patterns using brain mapping, (QEEG), Dr. Hope discovered in her study that Access Bars reduced the severity of anxiety symptoms by 84.7% (average). Participants had a reduction in the severity of depression symptoms by 82.7% (average).
The results of brainwave measurements before and after Access Bars showed an increase in brain coherence in all participants, indicating a change toward a normal state after the session. Brain wave coherence is associated with communication between brain regions and researchers have found that optimal brain coherence is correlated with many things such as intelligence, learning ability, alertness, reaction time and creativity.
The significant decreases in severity shown in this research suggest that Access Bars may be effective as a treatment for anxiety and depression. Dr. Hope is planning on more extensive research in the near future.
Another review of Access Bars was done by Neuroscientist, Dr. Jeffrey L. Fannin.
Below is the video to watch.
Dr. Fannin on his first experience with the Access Bars: “I processed the data in every possible form that I could and the message was clear, this is incredible change that is happening” and then I received the Bars myself and after the session “the amount of clarity in my life was just amazing.”